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Helping Leaders Transform Their Teams

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Reflection and Self-Awareness

A great leader knows their strengths and areas for growth. By developing intuition and decision-making skills, managing stress, and understanding personal motivations, you position yourself to lead with clarity. Knowing what drives you and others helps build trust and collaboration within your team.

Setting Strategic Direction

Leaders with a clear vision shape the future. By focusing on the organization’s most important priorities and planning effectively, you set a strategic course that others can follow. Staying future-focused allows you to navigate the complexities of your industry.

Communicate Effectively

Clear, direct, and transparent communication is the bedrock of leadership. Engage your team, listen actively, and articulate your vision in a way that brings people on board with change. Seeking and providing feedback is vital to maintaining open channels and fostering growth.

Create a Culture of Excellence

Leadership thrives when diverse ideas are welcomed and accountability is shared. By working inclusively, paying attention to detail, and holding yourself and others to high standards, you build a team culture that strives for excellence and collaboration.

Ethics and Integrity

Integrity and ethics are non-negotiable for effective leadership. Demonstrating strong character, taking personal responsibility for your development, and acting as a role model for motivation, passion, and trust will inspire others to follow your lead.

Measure What Matters

Data-driven decision-making and action-oriented leadership propel results. By setting clear expectations, reviewing progress, and solving problems efficiently, you build a reputation for consistently meeting or exceeding goals.

Manage Change

Leaders must challenge the status quo and embrace innovation. Being open to new ideas, using technology wisely, and leading with creative solutions will help you manage change effectively, improving processes and adapting to evolving circumstances.

Build Capacity

Investing in the growth and development of your team is essential. By fostering talent, offering candid feedback, and promoting a culture of continuous learning, you shape a high-performing team that is equipped to face challenges with a growth mindset.

Empathetically Serve Others

A leader who serves with empathy anticipates and meets the needs of their team. Acting with others in mind, exceeding expectations, and championing the development of your team will earn you trust and respect as a leader who genuinely cares.

The Greatest Gift a Leader Can Offer

 Becoming a Better Version of Yourself

Group Coaching

Choose from our menu of different coaching programs
that meet your unique needs and unlock your true leadership potential through self-assessment, problem-solving, reflection, coaching, and peer feedback and foster a high performing, collaborative dream team.

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Corporate & Education Consulting

Invest in employee training for improved performance and productivity, bridging the gap between vision and implementation with our participant-centered services. Move the needle on what matters most to your organization and the clients you serve. 

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What our Clients Say

Jason Jones

In my role as an instructional leader for our district, working with Kristi and SACE Consulting has been transformative. Despite our diverse administrative team, Kristi successfully aligned us towards a common goal, turning our differences into strengths.

Under Kristi's guidance, both our administrative team and my personal skills have grown significantly. The professional development initiatives we undertook brought clarity to the organization's mission, vision, and values. Personally, I've gained a clear sense of my leadership style and how to foster leadership in others.


I first worked with Kristi and SACE Consulting on formative instructional practices, and our collaboration continued post-COVID, expanding into assessment literacy, leadership coaching, and more.

Kristi played a crucial role when I transitioned to overseeing multiple buildings, providing clarity and organization. She helped me identify strengths and weaknesses, tailoring feedback to my personality.

Beyond delivering professional development, Kristi served as an encourager, sounding board, and even took on a help desk role during virtual PDs. Unlike other consultants, she was committed for the duration of the project.

Her dedication, foresight, and organizational skills have significantly contributed to our increased focus, clear vision, and overcoming past obstacles.

Ashley Andrews

Kristi has been an incredible mentor and coach, guiding me through self-reflection and personal growth to become a better leader. She tailored her mentorship to my individual needs, recognizing there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

The key impact Kristi had on my professional development was building trust. She cares about me as a person, invested in both my personal life and professional growth. This connection allowed me to be truly reflective and make impactful changes.

In addressing the building's needs for a positive culture, Kristi provided effective strategies, working with staff individually and in groups. She facilitated open communication, building trust, respect, and making the process engaging and enjoyable.

With my leadership team, we focused on building a strong foundation, enhancing both culture and academic skills. Kristi's guidance contributed to a remarkable improvement in our state test progress scores, showcasing the positive impact of our collaborative efforts.

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The Benefits of a Coaching Program

Reflection: A Fully Engaged Leader's Superpower

The Importance of Setting Strategic Direction

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